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Nature Gallery
The North Shore Wonder
Capturing the beauty within a sunrise & waterfall
Photographing through the light of water
Autumn colors on north shore
Some mid September images
Autumn splendor of some beautiful waterfalls
July Photographing a Monarch Butterfly
July 4th Photographing some wild flowers
In the stillness, between a swan and a lotus flower I see beauty
June Photographing some wildflowers
Capturing the splendor of water
The fragrant beauty of a sunflower
Capturing the beauty from out west.
A Piece of National Park Beauty from Wyoming
A few pictures from Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons National Parks
Listening and witnessing the beauty of a waterfall
Photographing Friday
Taking pictures of an adorable weasel
Photographing some coyotes
Some highlights of wolf photography
Banning State Park Waterfalls
The Wisdom of a Waterfall
What we can learn from a waterfall?
Taking flight in the skies above
Photographying a cute badger
Sunday Sunrise on Lake Superior Photo Gallery
Late May visit to Lake Superior
Lake Superior Sunrise in Grand Marais, MN
Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge in late May
Morning fog on the north shore of Lake Superior Part 2
Morning fog on the north shore of Lake Superior Part 1
A weekend in the Cuyunna Mtn bike area enjoying the trails, sites, sounds, birds and other wildlife too
A couple of water falls, some ducks and a bald Eagle
Jay Cooke State Park
Lake Superior Light House in Superior, Wisconsin
North Shore Hike with the Blissful Hiker
Easter Sunday hike with Miss Daizy and the Aussie
Afternoon on trails with some birds and a couple goats
Willow River State Park
Some backyard pictures
Backyard Photo taken with the Nikon Z50
New Year’s on the shores of Lake Superior
Northern Wisconsin Waterfalls
Autumn Color Splendor
Autumnal October Hike
Banning State Park enjoying some Autumns colors
Enjoying Autumn colors on the North Shore of Lake Superior
Fall colors on the North Shore – iPhone Pictures
name the gallery.
A late afternoon walk through some Wisconsin prairie lands with monarchs moving about
August Monarch Beauty
Saturday hike with Daizy on the North Shore
August 1st Sunrise on Lake Superior
Duluth Harbor Sunrise
A weekend of waterfalls
A butterfly and waterfall
Cascade River State Park Hiking Pictures
Sunrise on the shores of Lake Superior
A beautiful evening on the shores of Lake Superior
Assorted Wildlife and Nature Pictures
Hiking at Jay Cook State Park
Minneopa State Park
It was a day of reflection
April 5th Sunset
Sedona 03-15-2020
Sedona 03-16-2020
Vermilion falls
Beacon hill and the Oregon coast
Bridge to the Gods
Trip to Washington and Oregon Part 1
New Year’s 2019 Candle lite hike
Alaska 2011
Gosseberrey Falls
Blue Mound State Park
Washington and Oregon Trip Part 2
Mount St Helens
Grand Marias
Yosemite, Redwoods
Seattle & Oregon
PCT Trail and Waterfall
New Year 2019
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